Official Opinions (go back »)

April 4 2008, 9:49 AM

You've had Tung...

You've had Anisha...

You've had Michelle...

You've now got me! And probably a headache.

But yeah. I enjoy this concept, so I stole it. Much like foreign oil.

Same disclaimers apply, but I'll post my honest opinion of you if you ask for it. I don't pull punches.


First of all, divergant question, do you like being called Tom, because I can't remember if anyone ever did. If not, you really should consider it. Or Tommy, because I like that name. ANYWAY.

See, now, I've never really had a problem with you, or at least certainly not to the extent that many other people have. I think the single thing that annoys me is just your manner of speech. You come across as very pompous, which I see as the source of the problems. When someone appears to be setting themselves on a pedastal, whether it's deliberate or not, it's incredibly hard to resist having a go at knocking them off said pedastal.

You're honestly one of the Top 5 people I know/have known on cB. I have an immense respect for you, both in the way you handle CreateBlog, and what I know about your real life. When I'm around cB as a regular, you honestly feel like an Aunt or something, always there, and always reassuring. If this were a reality thing, I have a feeling you would serve iced tea. Which I would appreciate.

Oh, and you play MarioKart with your kid. BEST. MOM. EVER.

Ok, I think I'm going to steal a thing from your opinion about me and say that I think I've judged you somewhat based on my opinion of your friend (or boyfriend, as is more accurate). That said, I DO genuinely think your attitude and actions based on a past incident were incredibly immature, but there have been a lot of fun times in the past as well, and no one is perfect.

The one other thing, I wish you would just let it go with the whole CONSTANT Trish bashing. It's tiresome, not funny anymore if ever, and frankly seeing you doing it 24/7 makes it REALLY hard to sympathise with anything yu say about someone else not having a life... be funny in a way that doesn't involve taking the same joke and hammering the living daylights out of it until it dies. You used to...

Obviously I hate and loathe you on every level, but as I'm not sure you requested an opinion, I'll save the time in actually expanding on the above point.

Hi! Was that a request?

Well Ok then! Love this girl! She's been one of my friends on cB since near the very beginning, and is one of the few people who I don't think I've ever had a falling out with over the years. We've been through hella stuff, GenF, one or two hairbrained schemes, and I can't wait until next year when we'll be able to meet up! Jokes approach in the future!

One other thing, you've been getting a little snippier/blunter lately, but you're funny with it. Liking it.

I haven't the faintest idea who you are, but from what I can gather, your one of those generic characters who crop up from time to time, behave in an assinine and tedious manner for a couple of weeks, and then mercifully go away again. Let's hope I'm right.

I don't like you very much, to be honest. I don't gel with your sense of humour, and in the past I've found you to be spiteful, hypocritical, and full of yourself. All of which I'm sure you'd say about me, so whadaya know? Guess we don't get along. Also, see Michelle's entry regarding taking the same joke and killing it.

And just for the record, I never trusted you as much as Anna did.

I don't know you terribly well, but I really liked your cB tag video, lol! Also, your opinion thread was neat, and I thought you were astute, especially seeing as we've never really spoken much/at all.

You're rapidly climbing my 'should get to know better' list.

Funnily enough, I actually once had a quote about you: 'If I didn't dislike her so much, I'd probably quite like her. But that's a big if.' Something like that, anyway. We had a fairly sizeable conflict before we'd ever really met otherwise, and I guess first impressions stick sometimes.
A lot of the time, though, I kind of appreciate your sense of humour/bluntness/whatever, but then often times, I think it does cross the line into just being bitchy, and maybe that's just your personality, but I kind of have seen it as acting all 'cool' or whatever, like a fascade, or bluster. Like I said, I don't really know you.
As an Admin, I don't exactly get how you came to be one, but you seem to have done pretty well, you've done some neat stuff, and the forums were finally rearranged.

Again, do I even have to explain how I feel about you, lol? You're awesome, and always have been. The days of JAK and Coke were good times. Miss Skypeage like woah.

Ruth! I've always liked you, and I have a soft spot for all the old News Crew, which helps. You've drifted in and out of cB over time, and you've never really pushed yourself into the limelight, but have still managed to maek yourself a part of the community. Always classy is maybe the best way to describe you.


If anyone would care for expansion/clarification, feel free to ask.

In cB


Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 comments

I like the way you talk/type XD

Posted by Tomates on Aug 8, 08 1:17 pm

you never did mine

Posted by nnicron on Apr 8, 08 2:07 pm

Pick me! :)

Posted by synergy on Apr 5, 08 1:05 pm

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  • 18 years old


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